Top tips for summer security

HOORAY, summer’s here at last! Time for picnics, BBQs, and maybe a trip to the beach or even a cheeky summer break! But before you reach for the factor 50 and head out into the sun, you might want to take a minute to think about what you’re leaving at home – and how secure it is. Opportunistic thieves love summer and what it can offer – empty houses and open windows! So we’ve put together some top tips to help keep your home safer this summer.
Lock up before you nod off
According to the Office of National Statistics, over 50% of burglaries take place in the evenings, so double check those doors and downstairs windows you had open all day are safely locked before you start counting Sheilas!

Out in the garden?
If you’re chilling out by the paddling pool or having a barbie, make sure your front door and any windows at the front of the house aren’t left open, so no one can sneak in while you’re otherwise engaged!
Don’t leave anything out in the cold
Once you’re done having fun in the sun in the garden, lock any outdoor equipment like bikes, tools or lawnmowers safely away in the garage or shed, or take it indoors with you.

Be anti-social!
Give your social media profiles a bit of a spring (summer?!) clean by updating your privacy settings, so if you take any Insta-worthy snaps, only those you want to see them will. Better still, keep the check ins and uploads for when you get home, as social-savvy thieves keep an eye out for people checking in from afar when they’re looking for new targets.

Everybody needs good neighbours!
As well as being a trip hazard when you get back, piles of post are a good advert that no-one’s been home for a while, so see if a friendly neighbour doesn’t mind popping in and moving them out of sight. You could always ask them to recycle the junk mail too if you’re feeling really cheeky!

Shed some light on things
While they’re on post duty, you could also ask your neighbour to pop a few lights on each evening so it looks like someone’s home – or use timers on your plug in lamps to set them to come on automatically each night.

And finally, check your cover
If you haven’t given your Home Insurance policy a second thought since you bought it, now’s a good time to check you’re fully covered, just in case the worst does happen. If you’re a Sheilas’ Wheels customer you can check your cover in My Account, or read our latest policy booklets. If you're planning a super-long summer break, make sure you let your insurer know, as a lot of policies won't cover you if your home is empty for more than 30 days in a row.
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