Tackling fraud, protecting you... this is why!

Settling your claim quickly and trying to keep premiums low are important to us.
If left uncontrolled, fraud can quickly cause claim costs and premiums to rise and divert our staff from the fast handling of genuine customer claims and policies. 

This is why tackling fraud is an essential part of what we do.

  • We understand that dealing with cases of customer fraud is a sensitive issue; this is why we have specialist fraud teams with the necessary skills, experience and expertise to deal with fraud cases correctly and fairly.
  • We recognise the importance that honest customers should not be impacted by fraud conducted by others;  this is why we use sophisticated technology and trained staff to quickly identify genuine customer claims and ensure that these are managed properly and settled as quickly as possible.  If you feel you have been the victim of fraud, then our teams will listen to your concerns.
  • We appreciate that our honest customers want to see action against fraudsters;  this is why we have procedures in place to identify fraudulent policyholders and claims, escalate these concerns to our specialist teams and take action against fraud.  Where we prove fraud we will cancel policies, repudiate claims and pursue the fraudster in both the civil courts and refer cases to the Police.
  • We acknowledge that you want the industry to stamp out fraud;  this is why we support all cross industry anti fraud initiatives.  We are members of the Insurance Fraud Bureau and work closely with City of London Police Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department

If you have a concern about fraud, please email us on  [email protected]

Sheilas' Wheels, supporters of:

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